1983 A la Memoria del Presidente Jaime Roldos Aguilera
1983 A la Memoria del Presidente Jaime Roldos Aguilera Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1983 A la Memoria del Presidente Jaime Roldos Aguilera Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1982 Sesquicentenario Nacimiento de Juan Montalvo y Juan L. Mera Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1979 Caciques Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1978 Bicentenario Nacimiento General Bernardo O’ Higgins Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1978 Bicentenario Nacimiento General Jose de San Martín Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1977 Homenaje al Dr. José Peralta Ecuador for all The beauty of Ecuador can be seen everywhere from the Chimborazo mountain, to the Coastal side to historic Cuenca. From its countryside and jungle, nature flourishes in this beautiful land. Enjoy the history, the people, the crafts, and all that Ecuador offers. Stamps from Ecuador show…
1977 Reunion Presidencial Ecuador – Colombia Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1977 Dr. Remigio Romero y Cordero Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1976 Primer Centenario del Nacimiento del Dr. Hideyo Noguchi Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1976 Fundación de Guayaquil Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1976 Compositores y Musicos Notables Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
1973 Hombres Ilustres Tell me what you think, place your comments below.
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